Saturday, August 05, 2006

The Wounded Hawk

The Hawk is blessed with many gifts…
Vision, Wisdom, Strength and Power

But as with all God’s creatures, a Hawk begins life as a baby, a small bird, born to learn and grow, to achieve its Destiny, to Soar, to Fly.

A Hawk learning to grow and find its place in this world… must endure despite her wounds.

Stones have been thrown, some by known enemies, some by those she loves.
Some wounds she inflicted upon herself.

With broken wings this magnificent Hawk hobbles and leaps upon the ground.

In her torment she cowers in the shadows of a Great Tree.
The wounded Hawk must decide, when she will break free of the darkness… and follow her Destiny.

Her fate is not on the ground, broken.
She is meant to soar and fly, using her Vision to guide others.
The Wisdom of her Wounds were meant to Strengthen her Power not tie her to the ground.

She sleeps in the shadows of the Great Tree… though she hides, she cannot hide from herself.

Within her bones is the Legend of her story, her Destiny calls.

“Grand daughter,” the wind whispers, “Fly, spread your wings and fly. You are not broken. Your Spirit is strong. The ancestors are with you. Come out from the shadows, do not hide, your enemies not so great. Your dreams not so far. Do not turn your Power inward against yourself, but outwards for the world to see. You must stand, you must fly.”

Timidly this Magnificent bird hobbles out into the light. She is Sister to the Phoenix, Cousin to the Great Eagle… This Hawk is borne to the greatness of her kin.

The Hawk cries a great shriek to dispel her own anger, fear, and pain. Slowly she spreads her aching wings. Some of her wounds have not completely healed. But some wounds only heal in the light and fresh air.

With a glint in her eye she shrieks again into the wind. Grandfather’s wisdom echos through the trees, “Those you love will always be in your heart, whether they left you by death or by choice. The Truth of that love is always in your heart. Release your anger, release your fear. Forgive them, forgive yourself. Then, you will fly. Soaring above, seeing the greater plan of your life. The Mystery that you must embrace and release to the Great Spirit.”

The Hawk stood quiet on the ground, the sun warming her wings. She contemplated Grandfather’s wisdom. She still ached so deeply inside. She looked at the shadow of the tree, she longed to hide again, yet, the warmth and call of the Sun was stronger.

The Hawk crept to the edge of the cliff, looking back at the safety of the tree now and again. After a long while with keen eyes she looked over the edge of the cliff. Visions flooded her sight, her very being. It is time.

She stepped back from the cliff and looked again at the Great Tree, a Great Spider had begun spinning its web. Grandmother Spider weaving a Dream Catcher for the Hawk. The wind began to blow carrying the chanting of the ancient ones, urging the Hawk, blessing her Destiny.

Grandmother Spider chanted, “Before you were born your story has been woven through the threads of time. The story had been written, every triumph, every trial, every tear, every fear, every loss, every love… Believe, have faith, do not worry… the Dream Catcher keeps what is good and discards the rest. Faith, Hope, Love, Strength, and Destiny… Moe’uhane… Moemoea… Thunkashila SaCheTan… Tino Kaha Moko… all in due time…”

The Hawk shrieked and her cry vibrated across the sky. She fell off the edge of the cliff. As she fell she remembered her wings, she spread them wide and remembered she could fly…

Her left wing still ached, she could see the wound. “Will this ever heal?”

“Someday,” the Great Spirit responded to her thoughts, “all I ask of you now is to fly. Your assignments will come at the right time, as will your healing. Everyone is connected like the silken threads of the Spider’s web… all in due time, all I ask now is that you fly. Follow the trail of the Moon and Sun across Father Sky, rest when you must on Mother Earth, she will feed and sustain you. Your Destiny will follow you as you follow your Destiny.”

The Hawk has come full circle in her journey, now she must begin again.
"Moakaaka na hoku alaka'i." - Make Clear the Guiding Stars.