"Moakaaka na hoku alaka'i." - Make Clear the Guiding Stars.
Sometimes one finds themselves in a place where synchronicity is everywhere. There is no such thing as coincidence. Ever have those days, when you can't stop thinking of a certain something... and lo and behold it pops up. Moments when you think of someone, and they contact you. Its all a part of that invisible world where we are all connected, and we all feel and hear each other.
I have been planning on setting up a blog for sometime. I've just been procrastinating, but perhaps it is time I share my musings with my friends. I discovered that chance conversations happen at the right time, to bring me the information and comforrt I need. You'll notice too, that such things happen for you if you pay attention.
What am I pontificating on today? Well... I am thinking of the type of woman I am becoming. I've always been intutitive. Two years ago, I began a journey of intuitive growth that leaves me breathless. I would dream of a person, place and number.. and when i least expect it is would manifest. Predicitive dreams.
Dreams I believe are signs and messages that come from the unseen realm to speak to you. Send messages, guidance, and reassurance. Sometimes they just serve to let you know you are on the right track, you are in the right place at the right time.
Many times we dream dreams, we don't understand. This is where self-knowledge and the leap of faith comes in. Write it down, even if it doesn't make sense. ESPECIALLY if it evokes strong feelings inside you. Dreams are the vehicle of intuiton.
Anna Deavere Smith said, "Intution is knowledge greater then we know."
I actually didn't intend to dwell on the topic of dreams in this blog. I meant to talk about the quote I used for today's title. "Make clear the guiding stars." It is a Hawaiian chant, from the Mana Card "Wa'a" meaning Canoe - indicating Transitions.
That's where I seem to find myself, in the midst of transition. Where once signs, all served to forewarn me of events to come, or to indicate everything is ok. I now find myself in a place where not everything makes sense... Yet, suddenly for the first time I find extreme joy in simply saying, "Ok, I let go." I still get signs, dreams, indications... now I don't stress out to try and "make sense" of it all. I write down what I observe and trust that later, it will all make sense.
Now I find comfort in a simple prayer of surrender, "I will, thy will."
I will end my first post with this thought that came to me one night when I was watching an old Oprah rerun late night.. she always asks guests, "What do you know for sure?" I asked myself that very question.
What I know for sure...is my heart never lies to me.
If i sit in silence and listen without fear, and in stillness simply KNOW.
What I know for sure, is my heart never lies to me.
Its the voice within, that is ageless, simple and true.
Its the voice that tells you, "RUN FOR YOUR LIFE, that man is bad for you."
LOL... shoulda listened to THAT when I was a teenager.
Its the voice that tells you, "Ah.. yes, she is my sister, she feels like home. Like I've known her forever! Yet, we've just met!"
Its the voice that tells you, "That door is closed, you can't force it to open. It must open on its own."
Its the voice that tells you, "Hmmm... I KNOW HIM, even though we've never met. I've kissed him before, even though its the first time our lips have met..."
Its the voice that tells you, "I'm afriad...but its ok. Everything will be ok. Let go, and let God."
What I know for sure, is my heart never lies to me.
I'm a pschic in Northern California. I used to work professionally, but now I live in the woods and use the impressions to inspire my art.
You are one of many people who feel the way you do about intuition..
I also have and use mana cards. They're lovely. Are you Hawiian?
Hi Em,
Like always, I love reading everything you write. You make things so beautiful and it makes me so happy. We've been friends for so long and been through so much together. I love how you seem so at peace and how you show that soft side of you that only certain lucky people know about.
Miss you.
Hey Em,
As always reading what you have written is like finding the quite center in a raging storm. I have said this to you many time's but you have a great talent and a wonderful way of sharing that talent with others.
It's like meditation without meditating, like walking in a forest without actually being there. It's like finding the quite and peace that only a child in it's Mothers arms can know. I count myself blessed to be one of the lucky few.
Peace and Love Sis.
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